co-sense at Rencontres Bandits Mages: PollinActions

Rencontres Bandits Mages 2019: PollinActions

Co-sense, we are already silkmorms, study #5 takes form as a workshop-residency-exhibition at the Rencontres Bandit Mages 2019: PollinActions. A collaboration with artist Corazon de Robota and the participants at the workshop. See a video/documentation of process.

El estudio 5 de Co-sentir, siempre fuimos gusanos de seda, toma forma de taller/residencia/exposición en el encuentro Bandit Mages 2019: PollinActions. Una colaboración con la artista sonora Corazon de Robota.

MORE INFO+ at Rencontres Bandits Mages 2019: PollinActions

Within Perspectiv’Act, an event labelled 500 years of Renaissance(s) in the Region Centre-Val de Loire.

From November 12 to December 8, 2019


knowledges and technics pollination

The Present artistic impetus would be the movement of lives not letting themselves plan, as one does not plan the way a plant grows, or the way a cloud appears. Life responds to temporal fluctuations having low acceptance towards capitalist production systems massively destroying our environment.

We could imagine the utter fragility to go through out the world without losing one’s sensitivity, one’s alterity, resisting with all possible means to the planet planning, to our lives organization, to the reduction of sensitiveness and life, to management and accounts lines. We could discover an innate perception of the matter and find out how to handle it, weave it, transform it, just as animals, plants and minerals do. This brings us to define art as expanded to a sensitive awareness of life on earth, and all its constantly transformable, elusive living matters, driving us to focus, even to combine and transmute arts within scientific processes inviting to imagine, to create new possible communities on a damaged planet.

This damaged planet is obviously ours, suffering «ecological, economical, relational and political» devastations. Relying on works of anthropologist,  Anna Lowenhaupt Tsing (humusities, aero-pollinations, resiliences), and philosophers of science, Bruno Latour (anthropocene studies), Bernard Stiegler (digital studies, neguanthropocène), and on the concept of « Mediality » by german media theoretician Dieter Mersh,pollinACTIONS will be a hybrid space, a base for a collective creation, speculative and political fictions, scientific or mytho-poetic storytelling, to cross borders below binary divisions between human and non-human, individual and society. In order to embody and to practice these new orientations, we offer a few entities to connect with one another and build a collective and evolutive scenario. They will take action in 4 different shared and opened pollinACTIONS labs, proposing a range of experimental arts practices linked with technologies, sciences, with actions and transmission modes, ways of proceedings, and above all to think along with the living, plants, bees and our local, close surroundings.

Combined artists entities

– The apiary’s bees, from the University Institute of Technolgy (IUT, Bourges).

– The silkworms

– The solar robot-vehicles

– Pierre Grangé Praderas: Resarcher, beekeeper, hacker and coder

– Caro Novella and Constanza Piña (Corazon de robota): Weavers, mathematicians and women healers &

– Aurore Morillon: Post-porn herbalist witch

– Rémi Voche: Eco-sexual environmental and behavioural actionist

– Ewen Chardronnet: Collective author journalist hybrid investigator.

– Clémence Hallé: Human sciences researcher on Anthropocene stories.

– Anne-Sophie Millon: Bordering sciences and art worlds cartoonist

– Smith and la Cellule Cosmiel:

– Luce Moreau: Artist

The combined entities group invite one into four connected laboratories. The world displayed there is made out of branching, as if we were to discover an underground network inspired by mycorrhizaeforest, or by an unknown constellation.

Every single one is responsible for the whole group, therefore the common journey will focus on rolling out an art of conversation between the sensitive worlds and the labs, on implementing a Research factory combining artistic and scientific knowledges, and open to local wisdom. 

Updated Perspectiv’act program, schedules, and more infos on