The coming-out of a Janitor. Review of Des-echoes by the Boston Hussle

A review on Homunculus: an evening of Threaded Bodies in the Boston Hussle has just been published. Follow this link to the article

The evening of performances took place at Studio 550 (Cambridge) as a result of Daniel Bear Davis Artist Residency, and featured two pieces: ‘‘Spectral sketches, a rhythm exorcise exploration - and Des-hechoes. The article reviews both pieces while putting them in conversation.

Some excerpts:

An audience member described the movement as “the inner life of a janitor,” and “his coming out.” This read seems to align with Davis and Novella’s exploration, as they both arrived to the rehearsal process with an interest in seeking all of the pluralities within a person. Throughout the piece I saw clearly the coordination of many wills into one; scattering of the senses; conflicting desires; the process of hiding and seeking the self; the natural balance reached between energetic bodies; and the ways we look at ourselves in the mirror.

reviewcaro novella